
Visia Lab and Impresa Digitale Regione Toscana, Fesr 2021-2027

Visia Lab is one of the 59 companies awarded the loan as part of the Pr Fesr 2021-2027 regional call to facilitate the implementation of projects located in Tuscany.

These projects are aimed at developing and strengthening innovation capabilities and the introduction of advanced technologies in companies, through the acquisition of innovation services.

The call is co-financed by the regional ERDF program 2021-2027, in particular with the resources assigned to action 1.1.3 "Services for innovation" of the program, and is part of Giovanisì, the Tuscany Region’s project for autonomy.

For our company this assignment represents a precious opportunity for business growth, technological investment and innovation.

See: https://www.regione.toscana.it/-/servizi-per-l-associazione-bando-impresa-digitale